A Load of Bollocks


A site to display animated gifs full-screen in ‘modern’ browsers that support CSS background-size. This new property means it’s possible to automatically scale a background image as large as possible within an available area.

The site is split into two parts. When an individual gif is selected it shows a loading icon, which is swapped out when the proper image has finished loading. An example: http://aloadofbollocks.com/monkey-riding-goat

When visiting the home page the latest 10 gifs are displayed. It’s possible to reorder these by popularity, or pull out the next 10 (both via ajax).

It uses a custom config file and the PHP parse_ini_file function to check the IP address of the visitor against a preset list, to see whether the user is able to add a new gif.

The add form uses live form validation on blur and after some content has been typed.

Once an image url has been entered, it uses the PHP getimagesize function to test the mimetype to see if it is a valid gif.

It uses Zero clipboard to allow links to be copied to the clipboard with a simple click.

It has custom fonts from font squirrel and a mobile stylesheet optimised for iphone and android.

Desktop Screenshots