Parallax tracker
Two experiments with parallax animation of CSS layers, based on tracking - with face detection and with an accelerometer
Google Form Heatmap
A custom HTML form that stores data in a Google Form, and uses this information to generate a heatmap using Leaflet and Leaflet.heat
Now Playing
Display in a web page details of the current Spotify/BBC 6music track that’s playing on a Chromecast / Google Home on the same local network.
Device Orientation - websockets
Display 3d representations of the current orientation of all devices connected to a website via websockets
Button Recorder
Run a custom python script on a Google Voice Kit (Raspberry Pi) to play and record silly sounds, using the Button Basher
Run a custom python script on a Google Voice Kit (Raspberry Pi) to do things, such control Spotify and pick someone in the studio to make tea
Eye Lighter
Visual display of who is currently working in Studio Awkward, with a programmable LED strip
Plane Spotter
A Node app to identify nearby aeroplanes with a Raspberry Pi, Dump1090, Node, an LCD touchscreen and some magic
Trigger warning
A node/websockets thing that displays a trigger warning message and plays a klaxon sound when a bad thing happens.
Raspberry Pi Python Garmin Strava
Automatically upload activities from a Garmin GPS watch to Strava when it is plugged into a Raspberry Pi
Video slideshow
Proof-of-concept full-screen HTML slideshow (using fading transitions) with mixed video and image content
Awe-inspring Synonyms
A Chrome extension that automatically replaces the word ‘awesome’ with a random (but superior) synonym
Turn absolute dates into relative time with JavaScript - updated every second (with a single global timeout)
Flickr Gallery
A simple single-page responsive HTML/CSS/JS image gallery, with a PHP script to generate HTML from flickr
CSS3 Scale Translate3d
Using CSS3 transform properties scale and translate to move and zoom around HTML elements
XVMB: XVMB Vault of Marketing Bollocks
A site that features some of the ‘best’ bits of marketing bollocks that we’ve experienced in recent years.
Ghetto blaster: a PHP/JavaScript soundboard
A simple soundboard that can be accessed through any web browser, which allows anyone to play a sound clip or synthesised speech through a capable web server.
Tweet Munger Custom Translations
Translate (mung) tweets from a specific user account through a custom set of translations, then re-tweet from a new account.
Tweet Munger
Translate (mung) tweets from a specific user account through several languages and back, then re-tweet from a new account.
Responsive Astronomy Picture of the Day
A responsive (mobile-optimised) version of the Astronomy Picture of the Day web page
PHP Delete Files and Folders
A simple PHP script that allows the easy deletion of files and folders within a directory
JavaScript Copter, with Canvas
An attempt to recreate the classic flash ‘copter’ game using Javascript and canvas
Boris: Localhost Browser
Boris is a PHP-based localhost browser that allows you to quickly browse through your local projects.
HTML Coding Standards
A brief description of how I tend to structure the HTML code for the majority of projects.
CSS Coding Standards
An overview of the way I tend to structure my CSS files for a typical site build.
JS Cookies
The script I tend to use when dealing with cookies. There are plenty out there, but this offers a couple of extra functions you don’t always find.
Form Default Text
Expand the functionality of a standard html form by auto-filling and removing default text from a text field
Canvas Pie Timer
A small experiment to test the basic animation potential of canvas, and potentially create a working visual timer system.
Select All Checkboxes
A javascript snippet that allows you to use a ‘select all’ checkbox to automatically fill multiple form elements
JS Grid Overlay
A handy javascript tool allowing you to overlay a grid or graphic to check pixel perfection across browsers
JS Tweening boxes
Experiments with a JavaScript tweening class that allows smooth scrolling of html elements